The Girl Who Caught the Gods — Chiri Yukie’s Last Gift to the Ainu
Chiri Yukie (知里 幸恵), just nineteen, was no scholar by training. She was a young indigenous woman born into two worlds—one that demanded she conform, and another that she couldn’t bear to see disappear. The Ainu, her people, had long been swallowed by Japan’s attempts at assimilation, their language, Ainu-itak, fading to little more than whispers among the old. But those whispers were loud enough for her to hear.

IL DYIRBAL: Una Lingua Unica dell'Australia Nord-Orientale
La straordinaria storia di una lingua australiana di cui rimangono circa trenta locutori, che presenta un sistema linguistico unico sull'orlo dell'estinzione e sfida le nostre percezioni su quanto rapidamente una lingua possa trasformarsi.

TE REO MĀORI: From Suppression to Celebration
Te reo Māori has been in contact with English for less than 200 years but has been spoken in Aotearoa (New Zealand) for centuries. How did a language in decline become a central part of Aotearoa's national identity?

Una conversación de corazón a corazón sobre las lenguas de herencia
Existen más de 7.000 idiomas en el mundo y casi ocho mil millones de personas que los hablan. Con tanta diversidad, combinada con la globalización de la vida moderna, no es sorprendente que algunos idiomas y sus hablantes puedan terminar aislados y rodeados de hablantes de otra lengua.

Una Conversazione a Cuore Aperto sulle Lingue Ereditarie
Ci sono oltre 7000 lingue al mondo e quasi otto miliardi di persone che le parlano. Con così tanta diversità, unita alla globalizzazione della vita moderna, non è una sorpresa come alcune lingue (e le persone che le parlano) possono essere isolate o circondate da persone che si esprimono in lingue diverse.

A Heart to Heart on Heritage Languages
There are over 7000 languages in the world and almost eight billion people who speak them. With so much diversity, combined with the globalization of modern life, it should come as no surprise that languages (and their speakers) can end up isolated and surrounded by speakers of another language.

DYIRBAL: A Unique Language from North-Eastern Australia
The remarkable story of an Australian language with only around 30 speakers remaining, showcasing a unique linguistic system on the brink of extinction and challenging our perceptions of how rapidly a language can transform.

Script as a Cultural Lifeline: The Untold Story of Canada’s Indigenous Writing System
Contrary to widespread misconceptions, the Inuit communities are far from extinct; they are vibrant and flourishing. When asked why it matters to preserve her language, Inuktitut, Naulaq LeDrew (ᓇᐅᓪᓚᖅ ᓕᑐᕈ,) an artist, elder, and pivotal member of the Toronto urban Inuit community, replies as if the answer is self-evident: "It's important to me because I am alive. ᐃᓅᒐᒪ, ᐃᓅᒐᕕᑦ. Because you are alive."