Where is Home? — Wandering Through Identities as a Third Culture Kid
Where is home for those who have lived in many places but never fully belonged to any? As a third culture kid (TCK) born to American parents in Japan and now living in Melbourne, Shana spent her life navigating the blurred lines of cultural identity. In this piece, she explores what it means to belong everywhere and nowhere at once, revealing how growing up between cultures has shaped her unique perspective and given her the ability to see the world through multiple lenses.

Una conversación de corazón a corazón sobre las lenguas de herencia
Existen más de 7.000 idiomas en el mundo y casi ocho mil millones de personas que los hablan. Con tanta diversidad, combinada con la globalización de la vida moderna, no es sorprendente que algunos idiomas y sus hablantes puedan terminar aislados y rodeados de hablantes de otra lengua.

Una Conversazione a Cuore Aperto sulle Lingue Ereditarie
Ci sono oltre 7000 lingue al mondo e quasi otto miliardi di persone che le parlano. Con così tanta diversità, unita alla globalizzazione della vita moderna, non è una sorpresa come alcune lingue (e le persone che le parlano) possono essere isolate o circondate da persone che si esprimono in lingue diverse.

“Joshua's Japanese is so Good!” — How Looks Shape Language Perception
Despite Japanese being Joshua’s first language, viewers often fail to recognize this fact in the comments section of his Japanese-language videos. Instead, they commend his command of the language, expressing surprise and admiration at his fluency.

A Heart to Heart on Heritage Languages
There are over 7000 languages in the world and almost eight billion people who speak them. With so much diversity, combined with the globalization of modern life, it should come as no surprise that languages (and their speakers) can end up isolated and surrounded by speakers of another language.