IL POLACCO: Una Lingua di Cultura e Gruppi Consonantici

IL POLACCO: Una Lingua di Cultura e Gruppi Consonantici

Un viaggio nelle profondità del polacco, una lingua dalle affascinanti complessità e da un ricco patrimonio che attraversa i secoli. Dalle sue caratteristiche grammaticali uniche ai suoi significativi contributi alla scienza e all'arte, il polacco è una lingua slava potente, sia all'interno della Polonia sia nella vasta diaspora polacca in tutto il mondo.

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POLARI: A Language of Queer Survival
LINGUAFILES Anthony Burger LINGUAFILES Anthony Burger

POLARI: A Language of Queer Survival

Polari was a secret language used primarily by gay men in the UK up until about the 1970s. They were able to talk about sex and other topics in Polari without others understanding them. Given the strict anti-homosexuality laws in place at the time, this was a matter of great significance.

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POLISH: A Language of Culture and Consonant Clusters
LINGUAFILES Anthony Burger LINGUAFILES Anthony Burger

POLISH: A Language of Culture and Consonant Clusters

A journey into the depths of Polish, a language with fascinating complexities and a rich heritage spanning centuries. From its unique grammatical features to its significant contributions to science and art, Polish stands as a powerful Slavic language, both within Poland and across the vast Polish diaspora worldwide.

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