Marvin Nauendorff ・

Marvin Nauendorff ・

Marvin Nauendorff



Marvin Nauendorff is the editor-in-chief and founder of Linguaphile. Growing up in Germany, his journey into linguistics started in middle school when he began studying Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese and took a significant turn when he was introduced to Inuktitut, Ainu, Japanese Sign Language and Ryukyuan languages, sparking an interest in endangered and minority languages. This led him to move to Osaka, Japan working at non-profit organizations and taking on various opportunities as a voluntary translator and interpreter. He currently studies Design at Münster University of Applied Sciences in Germany.

Before founding Linguaphile, he worked as a designer in the music industry. However, it was the unique beauty of writing systems that captured the focus of his interest, blending his design career with his linguistic interests. He currently works as a multiscript type and editorial designer. In 2021, he founded Linguaphile, relaunching it in 2024 with a renewed vision and a team eager to explore the human stories behind the world's languages.

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