Photo of Rebecca Hall. It shows a person with short brown hair smiling. The person wears a white knitted sweater.

Rebecca Hall ・

Rebecca Hall ・

Rebecca Hall



Rebecca Hall is a writer at Linguaphile Magazine. They grew up in the US with a deep fascination for their family's history and the languages they once spoke, many of which are now endangered. This interest in language was ignited in junior high when they began learning Cherokee. A pivotal presentation about Cherokee fueled a lasting passion for the language. Despite the challenges of limited family support and scarce resources, leading to a temporary halt in learning Cherokee, they explored various languages throughout their schooling. In high school, Rebecca dedicated four years to studying Japanese, which introduced them to the Ainu language. At university, they chose to major in French, sparking interest in Basque and Breton. After years of studying well-known languages, Rebecca is now turning their attention to lesser-known ones. This shift led them to join Linguaphile Magazine, connecting with fellow staff members passionate about endangered languages, and deepening their interest in linguistics and the stories of communities that speak these languages. Rebecca also runs a Substack titled The Hopeful Polyglot, where they share insights into their language learning journey as an autistic, nonbinary, pansexual individual navigating chronic illness.
