Anthony Burger ・

Anthony Burger ・

Anthony Burger



Anthony Burger is the managing editor of Linguaphile Magazine. He holds a BA in Linguistics from the University of Pennsylvania with minors in East Central European Studies and German, and has been fascinated by languages for as long as he can remember. He is particularly interested in Indo-European studies, Slavic studies, heritage languages, and constructed languages.

Anthony grew up in the US speaking both English and Czech at home, which shaped his interest in Slavic languages and heritage languages. His language learning journey began in high school, when he studied German as a passion project at the same time as learning Spanish in school. He was also fortunate enough at that time to become an intern at Marymount Manhattan College, researching the relationship between linguistics and speech-language pathology. Later, at university, he worked for several months helping to document Kashaya, a language indigenous to Northern California. During his time at university he also explored Old English, Old Church Slavonic, and Middle High German, which shaped his interest in historical linguistics. He also jumped at opportunities to study Polish and Russian, fueling his fascination with the relationships between Slavic languages.
