Alice Pol ・
Alice Pol ・
Alice is a copy editor and editorial assistant at Linguaphile. While she is from Aotearoa/New Zealand, her family lived in England and Australia during her childhood. In Australia, she enrolled in a high school Spanish Immersion Programme and learned half of her core subjects in Spanish. Upon returning to Aotearoa, she continued to study Spanish and picked up French. Naturally, she studied Linguistics at university. She went on to study Speech-Language Pathology, wanting a career where she could use Linguistics every day. After three years of working as a Speech Language Pathologist, she is currently taking a break and working as an Assistant Language Teacher in Japan. Here, she is rediscovering the wonder of immersion in her Japanese study and dipping her toe into yet another field of Applied Linguistics.
Growing up in Aotearoa (and studying Linguistics there), Alice has seen the revitalisation of Te Reo Māori, the language of Aotearoa’s Indigenous people, for herself. She finds the stories of other endangered languages both inspiring and heartbreaking. She is passionate about making Linguistics topics accessible for all and is delighted to do this as part of the Linguaphile team.